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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Meaning of the Name Stephen/Steven


I knew a man called Stephen who
Did not quite know what to do
Whenever a person misspelled his name
He'd grind his teeth and coldly say
"My name is spelled the "ph" way!"
Clearly it was driving him insane.

So he rather cleverly
Rose in might politically
Just so he could rule the land and say,
"Steven with a 'V' will be
Hence forth spelled illegally!
Anyone who breaks this rule will pay!"

Which was quite an irony
For his name apparently
Meant the same as "crown" in Ancient Greek,
His actions seemed then to reflect
The nature of one who expects
To be a King who rules over the weak!

None of which is meant to say
That all Stephens are born that way
In fact there is another ancient tale
About the Christian Martyr who
Was the first of Christians to
Face a stoning death and not turn tail...

So whether your a Steven or
Even a Stephen know that your
Spelling doesn't change the fact your names
Both mean exactly the same thing,
A crown that's worn by Queen or King
To wear upon their heads during their reigns.

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